Company in Latvia (SIA)

Latvia has made efforts to create a business-friendly environment by streamlining bureaucratic processes and reducing administrative barriers. The country has implemented pro-business policies to attract foreign investment.

Information and Key Advantages

Share Capital

Share capital requirement from 1 EUR.

Reporting and Tax Rates

Latvia has a competitive corporate tax rate, which can be attractive to businesses. The standard corporate income tax rate is relatively low, making it favorable for companies looking to optimize their tax liabilities. Check Latvia tax rates here.


Establishing a company in Latvia normally takes up to 3 weeks.

Service fee

Service fee for incorporation a company in Latvia starts from 450 EUR.

No Corporate Income Tax

20% corporate income tax is payable only when a company pays dividends or other payments with the aim of actual profit distribution.

Business-Friendly Environment

Latvia has made efforts to create a business-friendly environment by streamlining bureaucratic processes and reducing administrative barriers. The country has implemented pro-business policies to attract foreign investment.

Double Taxation Treaties

Latvia has a network of double taxation treaties with many countries, which can be beneficial for businesses engaged in international trade. These treaties help prevent the same income from being taxed in two different jurisdictions, providing tax relief and avoiding double taxation.

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