Start your business in EU

We provide full legal support with establishing a company in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Croatia, Austria, Slovenia, Andorra and more

Company in Estonia (OÜ)

Estonia is a great hub for high-tech businesses due to the relatively cheap educated labor (in comparison to other EU/EEA countries) and tax-favorable environment. Estonia was a cradle for such giants as Skype, Bolt, Wise, Pipedrive and others.

Company in Latvia    (SIA)

Latvia has made efforts to create a business-friendly environment by streamlining bureaucratic processes and reducing administrative barriers. The country has implemented pro-business policies to attract foreign investment.

Company in Lithuania (UAB)

Vilnius is a forward-thinking place. Public and private actors are constantly working together to create better conditions for individuals and businesses to thrive here, investing in the tools and technologies.

Company in Poland (sp.z.o.o.)

Poland is strategically located in the heart of Europe, which makes it a perfect investment location for companies wishing to export their products both to the East and to the West. Companies investing in Poland, can also count on governmental support and a stable political climate.

Company in Croatia (d.o.o.)

Croatia is a member of the European Union (EU) since 2013, providing businesses with access to the EU single market, which includes more than 500 million consumers.

Company in Austria (GmbH)

Austria is known for its stable economy, strategic location in Europe, and business-friendly environment. Establishing a company in Austria can offer several benefits.

Compare Tax Rates

Corporate Income Tax

Dividend Tax



0% - until profit distributions20/80
(standard rate)

22% standard rate.

9%, 5%, 0%- reduced rates (conditions apply).


  0% - until profit distributions

(standard rate)

21% standard rate.

12%, 5%, 0% -reduced rates.


15% standard rate.

Reduced rates 5% and 0% (conditions apply)


(standard rate)

21% standard rate.

9%, 5%, 0% reduced rates.


19% standard rate.

Reduced rate 9%

Minimum income tax rate applies from year 2025


(standard rate)

23% standard rate.

8%, 5% - reduced rates (conditions apply).


18% standard rate.

10% reduced rate.

(standard rate)

25% standard rate.

13%, 5%, 0% reduced rates (conditions apply).



minimum CIT applies in a tax-loss position.

23% standard rate.

27,5% if paid to foreign company.

20% standard rate

13%, 10% reduced rates.

 Slovenia 19%  

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